Repurpose Your Audio and Video Recordings through Transcription

Updated: Jun 1, 2019

If you are a digital marketer or an online content creator, you know that there will be times when the creative juices dry up. If you are churning out creative content on a regular basis, there’s always the fear of running out of ideas.

Then there’s the problem of having too many materials to work with and too many social media platforms to post content to. It becomes overwhelming, especially if you’re a one-person marketing machine.

Social Media Content

Let’s say you have an hour-long video recording of a conference presentation and it’s in .mp4 format. You can post the video in its entirety on YouTube. It will only take a few minutes and the video will be there for everyone to see. But who wants to watch an hour-long unedited video? People just don’t have the luxury of time for that. So, you have to make edits and fast cuts to make it consumer-ready.

But that’s not the real problem. The bigger challenge is that you also have to distribute the content across different social media platforms -- Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest.

You can’t just copy and paste the YouTube content onto another social media platform because of formatting issues. But if you transcribe your video recordings, you’ll get the text version of the presentation.

So how does this help you in content creation? Let us count the ways.

  1. You can put the full transcript of the video on the description of your YouTube. Just keep in mind that it has a limit of 5,000 characters. For long videos, you can just put an excerpt or a summary. This does not only help your viewers better understand the video content, it also boosts your YouTube search engine optimization (SEO). See your videos rank on the search results of YouTube and Google.

  2. With a text version of your video, you can break out the content and pick out important chunks that you can repurpose. For example, if the speaker provided inspirational quotes and motivational soundbites, you can create images from them which you can then post on Instagram and Pinterest.

  3. From the text you have, you can create a blog post that captures the key points of the presentation. This way, people who were not able to attend the conference or watch the presentation could still get value from the post.

Let us transcribe your audio and video recordings

If you have audio or video and you don’t know what to do with it, Umritun can help you transcribe the recordings and assist you in repurposing the content for your online content marketing campaign. Send us a message here.
